Black Seed Toys
Image of NO斯拉 Rider Nothra

NO斯拉 Rider Nothra

$79.99 - Sold out

與 Goodzila 好吉拉 另一礦世巨作 – NO斯拉,是以設計師Noger Chen的祖父為藍本而創作的。他祖父是位有名的昆蟲學家,經常帶Noger 去山裡抓各種蝴蝶昆蟲,家裡的房間總是充滿著各種的蝴蝶昆蟲標本。

Rider Nothra
Another Masterpiece working with Goodzila – Rider Nothra.
The design concept of this character was created based on designer Noger Chen's grandfather. He is a famous entomologist, he often takes Noger to the mountains to catch various butterflies and insects. Their home is always full of various specimens.
Accessories include a small box with silkworm and a little Ghinorah which compatible with previous characters.

Height: 16cm

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