御貓 怪獸樂園 – 小恐龍
一班幼稚園的御貓小恐龍放假了,要出來玩啦。這批有綠版跟灰版的原色小恐龍,還有熱血小龍變成半透明了。有看到嗎?他們的毛茸茸的臉超可愛的啦!快訂購要帶回家開party 囉
After the Big Dinosaur, all little Ohonneko dinosaurs are coming now. The original green and grey one, and the little hot is translucent! Do I mention that they are having a fluffy face, it’s too cute? It’s a must to take them home and have a party!
一 套販售,一套3隻。
Full set with all 3pcs.